
Protect Workers During Hands on Work With Effective Safety Solutions


Whether it’s to manually adjust equipment, or simply to move an object, keeping your hands in good condition is critical for any hands on application. When you are looking for hand protection to fit a wide range of applications, you can count on Aactus to find the solution that best meets your business’s needs.

Tags: gloves, ppe

Protect Workers From Impacts and Debris With Personal Protective Equipment


In any environment where workers could encounter hazards that could cause serious harm, it’s important to ensure that they are properly protected. Because of this, having an effective supply of personal protective equipment is a must. 

Tags: face sheilds, hard hats, ppe, safety shoes

When Should Workers Use Half Face or Full-Face Respirators for PPE?

Full-Face Respirator

Not only does Aactus provide a variety of PPE to help keep workers safe, but we also have the knowledge to help you know when to sue specific kinds in different situations. With half face and full-face respirators available in a variety of brands, you may be wondering which is the best for your business.

Tags: full-face respirator, ppe

Why Full Coverage with Personal Protective Equipment is Important

Personal Protective Equipment

Work that takes place in any location with even slightly hazardous conditions requires the right personal protective equipment to be used to avoid injuries. These are often mandatory based on the severity of the hazard, with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), through the Department of Labor, requiring specific guidelines to be followed for those qualifying workplaces. These industry standards are easily followed when you have easy access to safety equipment for your business.

Tags: personal protective equipment, ppe

When are Hard Hats Required?

Hard Hats

Workplaces that have risks to workers may have hard hat requirements that need to be followed, so it is important to know exactly what laws must be adhered to depending on the risk involved. Construction sites, factories, and more are great examples of sites that need hard hats under OSHA requirements. Hard hats must stand up to the industry standards, and the ones available at Aactus will provide great protection in any setting.

Tags: hard hats, ppe, safety equipment

Find PPE and Safety Products that Help to Keep Industrial Spaces Safe


Keeping your workers safe should always take priority when operating in any industrial space. Not only will providing your workers with an environment free of known dangers help them stay safe and productive, but it will also help you follow worker safety laws for industrial environments. 

Tags: personal protective equipment, ppe

Give Your Workers a Safe Workspace With PPE and Safety Solutions From Aactus


Equipping your workers with the personal protection and safety equipment they need to maintain a safe work environment is important in any industrial setting. Helping to minimize accidents, prevent injuries, and protect against potential hazards, personal protective equipment serves a significant role in maintaining the safety of your industrial space.

Tags: hard hats, industrial packaging, ppe, safety vests

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